
6 December 2018

Lord Of Misrule Perfume Oil

Let’s be honest: the Lord Of Misrule fragrance family has expanded perhaps more than any other recently created scent from Lush. And when I say recent, I mean within the last ten years. There’s a good reason why it has become so popular, because not only is it both complex and beautiful, but there are just so many different characteristics to the smell that make it appealing to a vast number of consumers.

If you’re looking something for a bit earthy, it’s featured here; fancy something more warming and creamy, Lord Of Misrule will encase you in its beauty; if you care for the more spicy scents, you’ve found your match in this smell. In my personal opinion, it is the most beautiful fragrance that Lush have ever created to date, and it would take something extraordinary to knock this smell from my number one spot.

For these very reasons, I was excited to finally get my hands on Lord Of Misrule Perfume Oil: one of five limited edition oils to be released from Lush earlier last week. Surprisingly, this wasn’t the first oil that I decided to try and review, but it’s definitely the one I have grown to favour the most. That’s not to say that it doesn’t have its flaws, which I shall be detailing below. However, most Lord Of Misrule fans will definitely grow to appreciate this limited edition in at least some small way.

As I’ve mentioned in other reviews, and will probably do so in future ones as well, a perfume oil can be used in one of many ways, which is what makes these little bottles of oils so versatile. The traditional way is to actually apply the oil directly to your clothes, which you can do so by popping a couple of drops into the palm of your hands; massaging it between your hands; and then gently stroking your hands across your clothes to allow for even courage. The perfume oil doesn't actually absorb into your skin at first so you can do this without losing very much on your hands, and I found that the scent lasted longer when I applied it like this, compared to how long it lasted when I dabbed a little on my skin.

The reason why you're supposed to do it this way, and not apply it directly to your clothes, is that it's very difficult to control the amount of oils that come out of the bottle at any one time. Too much oil applied to a piece of clothing could potentially cause permanent oil stains, which are very hard to remove. Furthermore, it also makes it very difficult to spread the oil across a large space, as it will have automatically soaked into the garment as soon as it made contact with it.

As most consumers will no doubt want to do by default, you can also apply the perfume directly to your pulse points: your inner wrists, your temples, and even along your jawline. Simply dab a little of the oil straight from the bottle to these areas, and then briefly massage a little to stimulate the oils from the heat of your skin. The warmth of your body will help to strengthen the sillage of the fragrance, and help it to remain on the skin for as long as possible.

As I tend to do with my solid perfumes, you can also apply this to your beard, or ends of your hair, to carry the perfume in another manner. In fact, this is probably my favourite way of wearing solid perfumes and perfume oils because every slight breeze will offer you a little taste of the smell you are using. In addition, the oils featured in the ingredients will also help to moisturise your hair a little whilst its on there.

What I should say about Lord Of Misrule Perfume Oil is that it differs quite considerably from both the bath bomb, and indeed the body lotion that came out earlier this year. For me, the thread of vanilla that usually rounds the patchouli off with a creamy touch, wasn’t at all as present as I was expecting. With the bath bomb, you can smell both the powdery element of the format itself, and the vanilla absolute very clearly, as it creates a light, delicate sweetness that carries forth into the bath. When it came to this perfume oil, the vanilla is very much hidden behind the other elements. Don’t get me wrong, there is definitely a touch of sweetness that must come from the inclusion of the vanilla, but it doesn’t make the same impression as it does do in other formats.

Instead, LOM Perfume Oil seems to be mostly focussed on the patchouli, which offers a spicy, earthy fragrance to my nose. Whereas the vanilla usually thickens the scent and makes it more rounded, the lack its presence means that this perfume oil is far lighter and ‘crispier’, if that makes any sense. The patchouli is by far the most domineering part and the other ingredients have seemingly fallen asleep backstage. When it’s a beautiful scent, and very in-keeping with the liquid perfume that was released at the same time, it is definitely not as wholesome as its older siblings.

On the skin, I found that this perfume oil seemed to last longer at the beginning but faded over time a lot quicker. Once it had been applied, I could still detect its beautiful fragrance from afar, for a good forty minutes on my skin. Every time the wind blew in my direction or clothes moved a little, a new burst of warming patchouli flooded my senses. However, after this time I found that the scent dissipated far more quickly than I would have liked. In fact, within two hours after I originally applied the oil, I could barely smell anything on my skin at all.

The perfume oil did last a little longer on my clothing, but again it wasn’t strong enough for me to detect unless I shoved my garment right under my nose, and I certainly didn’t receive any compliments regarding this fragrance. While this is not the sole reason why I choose to wear perfume most days, it definitely showed that the weakness of this oil as I could always get compliments about the original LOM Liquid perfume.

As I will say in all of my reviews of the liquid oils, I will be continuing to experiment with different ways to make the most out of the fragrance available, and these at least make cute little compact bottles to carry with you if you want to sniff your favourite scent throughout the day. However, there is not enough impact from this perfume oil to make it worth an investment above the liquid version.

For this reason, I would say that Lord Of Misrule Perfume Oil is perhaps my least favourite product in this format, and would certainly not be strong enough to replace my love for the body sprays and liquid perfumes. I can only hope that this perfume oil matures over the coming weeks/months and does something amazing when I next have the opportunity to try it out.

Quantitative Ingredients: Organic Cold Pressed Jojoba Oil, Perfume, Patchouli Oil, *Limonene, Black Pepper Oil, Vanilla Absolute, *Anise Alcohol, *Benzyl Alcohol, *Benzyl Benzoate, *Citral, *Coumarin, *Eugenol, *Farnesol, *Geraniol, *Linalool.

Vegan?: Yes. 

2018 Price: £18 for 15ml.

Year Of Original Release: 2018.

Scent Family:
Lord Of Misrule Bath Bomb
Lord Of Misrule Body Conditioner
Lord Of Misrule Body Lotion
Lord Of Misrule Body Spray
Lord Of Misrule FUN Bar
Lord Of Misrule Liquid Perfume
Lord Of Misrule Liquid Perfume
Lord Of Misrule Naked Shower Cream
Lord Of Misrule Perfume Oil
Lord Of Misrule Shower Cream
Lord Of Misrule Solid Perfume
Monsters and Aliens
Rough With The Smooth Body Scrub

Witches' Cauldron FUN Bar


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